The Islamic Date is a written document that contains an Islamic reading of the lunar calendar. The date is used for political, social and religious purposes.

As was the case with all the Islamic calendrical systems, the Islamic Date, or Janan is still used today. Its usage started in the third century of the Hijra, which is a period of five hundred years between the time of Prophet Muhammad and his death. Originally the Islamic Calendar was based on the lunar cycle, but soon enough the solar calendar was adopted, too.

The Islamic Calendar, called "Calendar of Omar" or simply "Omar" during the fourth century, was developed to have the most accurate and scientific results. This is because of the fact that, according to Islamic beliefs, the sun was the guide of the movements of human beings and that the moon guided our destiny. Thus, it was necessary to have a calendar that was dependent on the movement of the sun and not the movements of the moon.

The Romans, on the other hand, tried to use the movement of the sun as a way to measure time, but they were only able to measure a few months. With their calendar system, the Roman calendar had three quarters of a year and so their readings of time were only approximately correct. It was only with the Arab calendar system that the Roman calendar became outdated.

The Islamic Calendar was also used as a way to calculate dates. In fact, it was the most used method of determining the birth date of a child and so Muslims have been counting back for the purpose of determining the next year's calendar reading. One might say that the Islamic Calendar is the oldest method of calculating dates in the world. But if we take into consideration the fact that the first accurate calculation of the date was done in the tenth century, then the calendar date becomes less accurate.

The Islamic Date can also be used as a tool to study the customs and traditions of the world. For example, the Islamic Date can tell us when our Prophet began preaching his mission. From this date, we can then calculate his birth date.

If you want to learn more about the Islamic Date, then you can search for a guide on the Internet that will teach you everything you need to know about the Islamic Calendar. There are many books available on the topic that will explain the history of the calendar and how it works.

It would be a good idea to look for a guide on the Internet before you try to calculate dates using the Islamic Date. Remember that you should always use the number of days when calculating dates and not the calendar period.